Saturday, May 31, 2014

Crazy Agrument #3

On 31th of May 

 Me and Zeke took an drive to the Walmart in Conyers so I can pick up some items that I've ordered online, and after that long line. I went to the bicycle section and try to ride the bikes and when I got on is were pretty easy for me to ride that bike. 

On the car rides back home my legs starts hurting, except from the middle of the femurs where it were cracked at.  I think it waz because I were riding the bike and my femurs ain't completely heels yet.     We've made it home, and when I got in the house and get settled in the kitchen, I were talking to Zoe and after I finished talking to Zoe.

And the Zeke would keep bumping me like 3 or more times and I told him if he did it again I was going spray him with soap, so I spray him with soap, and I left the room because he was pissing me off, he just  keep testing you because I think he wants me to pay more attention to him.

I went down stairs and use the computer and watch some tvs, and wait for zeke to go upstairs, because he were getting under my skins. When he went upstairs , I went back to the living room so I could watch the YouTube Channel on the Roku, then Zeke came out his little holes and said "Why you came out when I left" and I told him because you're getting of my nerves. I he flip me off and walk back in his holes.

So I went upstairs and took his business items and use it as cloistral (an ledged tool or barging tool) until he apologized for what he had commit and said toward me. And eventually he have realized that I've took his stuff, and immediately came to me and apologized, and then I tell him were his stuff. It's were on the living room table.

So couple of hours later, he came down stairs to my basement and he wanted to show me a shipment on uShip. So I let him and then we started to talk about the shipment, and then I said something and he were ignoring me so I exit the sites and tell him to leave. He didn't want to leave so we were just starring at each other until he lefts and eventually he left.

About 45 Minutes later he came back down to the basement and ask me "Why was I ignored at him?"
So I tell him why and he went crazy!!! he started yelling real loud and knocking stuff over and kicking and throwing stuff. I didn't really stop him because he was in distress and about to loses it. So I were just yelling back at him and asking him to stop and get out. I were going walk over their and calm him down but he were throwing stuff and y'all already know about my legs being broke.

Conclusion Question
The reason I think that he were mad and shouting is because I were telling him how he were getting of my nerves, and I think that he think that I were telling  him, tied in that he is an worthless human being.
So I send him an text message and email, explain my reasoning behind his and my behavior. That I think you were mad because I were telling you how you were ignoring me and you must of tied that into your worth as an human being, and I didn't want you to think about this statement and that events as being I think you worthless, I want you to know we all love you and stand by you in your decision for you future. PLEASE DON'T THINK ABOUT DEATH TO YOU.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Mysterious Bike Ride #1

One joyful day on a Sunday of April. I went on a long bike ride, I took Honey Creek Rd then came up through Fountain Crest subdivision and came out of Kay street into Georgia 20 and went up behind Target and then in-front of Lowes and ride around the business area of Flat Shoals and Highway 138 and then went straight up the Highway and rode around the hotels area of Dogwood Dr and I were filling out application at them hotels and then I went by the motorcycles club at Harley Davidson and see what events they were having and then I were heading home. When I got to Oakland St and Parker and the light intercession. I were going to go up the right side, but I went up the left side I don't know why, but while I was going down the hills of Parker Rd at the four streets of Iris. This were an vehicle on the cross walk so I were going to goes around the vehicle and when I went to the front of the vehicle, the vehicle started to move and hit me and then I tumbled into the middle of the street of Parker Rd, I were face down and when I rolled over I saw the my legs were pointing outward, and when the authority got there, they all were staying that it were an broken fermur. 

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Step Up Your Game to Win the Game

This is about the time I played basketball in my league that I will call "YAA" for the sake of an argument, and didn't like the referees or the rules. The Referees had no respect for me and the rules were annoying because you couldn't steal the ball from the other opponents. The next years, I've switched to a different league that were more challenging league which I'll call "CCYNA" for the sake of an argument I liked it so much more than "YAA". The new league was extremely challenging because I was eight years old playing with ten and eleven years old players. I quickly learned that I wasn't as good as I  thought I was. In order for me to complete, I had to step up my games.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Officer Story

Trooper Newton of the Georgia State Patrol Post 47, respond to a 10-42 (Domestic Violence) approximately at 2245hrs. 25th Feb 2014.  Off the Old Parker Rd Ramp that leading to Parker Rd. Trooper Newton were the first law enforcement officer they on scene. While Trp. Newton head to the door of the 10-3 (Original Caller) Trp. Newton heard a noise and some streaming, so Trp. Newton rushed in the resident and ask them to put down the weapons and Trp. Newton put them in handcuffs and found out that the male were intoxicated with a BAC of 1.8 nearly double the legal limit and also the main agressive to the 10-42, and the female were arrest for a misdemanmor warrant out of Warran County for FTA. The male were arrest for Illegally Possession of an Firearms while Intoxicated, and Fleeing the Scene.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Rockdale Co. Sheriff Office Attitude

The Sheriff Deputies need an attitude check because their be walking and driving around the county looking cocky and tough, But they're not tough just because they  have an badge that don't make them invisible to the laws or make them different.  If 1 of 274 Deputies saw a black male walking in the side of the roads. 75% would stop him and run his name in the database. In Scenario A, A White male walking his bicycle on the side of Irwin Bridge Rd at 1800hrs. at night and three police vehicle has pass him and no one question him. Scenario B, A black male walking on the side of Highway 20 near Oglesby Bridge Rd and three patrol vehicle pass him and one of them pull him over and ask him, where he going were heading to and ask him for his name. The point is for the Rockdale Co. Sheriff Deputies to stop harassing African Americans males.